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Magical Garden Series

Magical Gardens Tapestry Series


Magical Gardens is a project developed in Teotitlan Del Valles in Oaxaca, Mexico in collaboration with a group of artisans. Teotitlan is a town on the outskirts of Oaxaca and is known for its woven tapestry work. This tapestry series initiates an aesthetic dialogue wherein different materials and techniques are used for different characteristics of magical imagery and the symbols of an inviolate eden, the magical garden of an early 17th century Florida:  a rabbit rooted and growing from a tree trunk in conversation with a smooth-talking trickster pulling something out of his hat, preparing to appropriate this garden from the native people for himself.  The garden is a magical garden that tells the story of the once mythical Florida of flowering paw paw and pink bindweed, the garden as metaphor for the once natural abundance of this peninsula, the rabbit smiling at the trickster, naive and unaware of his intentions.


Mythical Sunshiness Garden Series. 

Wool natural dyes

284 in x 154 in 


Made in teotitlan del valle oaxaca in collaboration with artisians 

(Bw) Oscar perez

(Colored) Enedina bazan

Art in the Natural World and Cultured Settings Art Wynwood

Join me next week at Art Wynwood, Booth SP3, for my new exhibition Art in the Natural World and Cultured Settings Curated by Bernice Steinbaum


FEATURING: Troy Abbott | Jennifer Ann Basile​ | Carola Bravo​ | Vivian Carbonell | Enrique Gomez de Molina | Jonathan Gonzalez | April Hartley | Lucinda Linderman​ | Aurora Molina​ | Carol Prusa​ | Colin Sherrell​ | Carrie Sieh​ | Yomarie Silva | Carol Todaro​

Art in the Natural World and Cultured Settings: Artists  erase the line between art and design. Breaking new ground at the 2015 Wynwood Art Fair, the artists deal with the phenomenon of working as designers. 

The sixteen artists in the exhibition were invited to create a room setting as well as a fresh interpretation of nature using traditional methods of assemblage,bronze, wood, metal, light sculpture, video, photography, textiles, 3D-printing, taxidermy and printmaking.  The ideological collaboration of artists reappraising their ideas and systems of classification forces the artist and viewer to consider the following question: Can something that is functional still be called fine art?

Each of the artists, like the interior designer, had to balance the layout of the room with work that supports the other objects around them. Although all of the work is contemporary the look of the room is timeless.

Magical Garden Series

19" x 40"

Thread drawing on linen


Magical Garden series

36" x 36"

Thread drawing on canvas, silk color thread.

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